Every day help for our customers

To provide the best service, we are happy to help you with your questions

If you need more help

For more personal questions you can also contact us at the following addresses and phones

  • +212 632-431607
  • support@iptvsmarterplus.com
  • Yes we accept mastercard en visa payment cards, you can use Apple pay / Google pay

  • Yes our website accept creditcard payments

  • Our website accepts, paypal, visa master card, Google Pay/ Apple pay
    Ask for more details from our whatsapp team
  • Yes we accept product return after buy in 10 working days,  we do Ask that you meet the following condition.
    product must be in original packaging and in good condition,  the shipping costs are the responsibility of the sender.We accept refund for the not used months, if you have used one day of the month, you will be charged for the entire month.  If you want to cancel in the meantime, costs will be charged until the end of the month
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