free iptv apps
  1. IPTV Smarters
  2. TiviMate
  3. GSE Smart IPTV
  4. Perfect Player IPTV
  5. Lazy IPTV

Installation and Configuration Guide

IPTV Smarters

  1. Download the app :
    • Go to the Google Play Store.
    • Search for “IPTV Smarters” and download the app.
  2. Configure the app :
    • Open IPTV Smarters.
    • Accept the terms and conditions.
    • Click “Add user” then “Load your playlist or file/URL”.
  3. Enter playlist details :
    • Choose “M3U URL” and enter the playlist URL provided by your free IPTV provider.
    • Give your playlist a name and click “Add List”.
  4. Start watching :
    • Once the playlist is added, you can start watching the available channels.


  1. Download the app :
    • Go to the Google Play Store.
    • Search for “TiviMate IPTV Player” and download the app.
  2. Configure the app :
    • Open TiviMate.
    • Click “Add Playlist”.
  3. Enter playlist details :
    • Choose “Enter URL” and enter the playlist URL provided by your free IPTV provider.
    • Click “Next” and follow the instructions to add the playlist.
  4. Start watching :
    • Once the playlist is added, the channels will be available for streaming.


  1. Download the app :
    • Go to the Google Play Store.
    • Search for “GSE Smart IPTV” and download the app.
  2. Configure the app :
    • Open GSE Smart IPTV.
    • Go to the main menu and select “Remote Playlists”.
  3. Enter playlist details :
    • Click the “+” button to add a new playlist.
    • Select “Add M3U URL” and enter the playlist details provided by your free IPTV provider.
  4. Start watching :
    • Once the playlist is added, you can navigate to the channels and start watching.

Perfect Player IPTV

  1. Download the app :
    • Go to the Google Play Store.
    • Search for “Perfect Player IPTV” and download the app.
  2. Configure the app :
    • Open Perfect Player IPTV.
    • Go to “Settings” then “General”.
  3. Enter playlist details :
    • Select “Playlist (M3U)” and enter the playlist URL provided by your free IPTV provider.
  4. Start watching :
    • Return to the main screen. The channels in the playlist will appear and you can start watching them.


  1. Download the app :
    • Go to the Google Play Store.
    • Search for “Lazy IPTV” and download the app.
  2. Configure the app :
    • Open Lazy IPTV.
    • Go to the menu and select “New Playlist” then “From Internet (by URL)”.
  3. Enter playlist details :
    • Enter the playlist URL provided by your free IPTV provider.
    • Give your playlist a name and click “Save”.
  4. Start watching :
    • The playlist will be added and the channels will be available for streaming.


These free apps for IPTV on Android allow you to watch live TV on your device. Make sure to use a legal IPTV playlist to avoid copyright issues. If you’re having trouble, most of these apps offer help forums or detailed setup guides to assist you.

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